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Feel free to call us +44 (0)333 003 0046

Feel free to call us +44 (0)333 003 0046

Feel free to call us +44 (0)333 003 0046

    {{GetBicycleTypeOfCover(Basket.BicycleQuotes[0].TypeOfCover)}} {{Basket.BicycleQuotes[0].IsRenewal ? 'Renewal' : 'Bicycle'}} {{BasketCosts.BicycleCost | currency:"£"}}
    {{ bicycle.Make }} {{ bicycle.Model }} {{ bicycle.InsuredCostAnnual | currency: "£" }}
    multi-bike discount
    ebike discount
    {{(BasketCosts.BicycleDiscount / BasketCosts.BicycleCost) * 100 | number: 0}}% Discount -{{BasketCosts.BicycleDiscount | currency:"£"}}
    Referral Discount -{{BasketCosts.ReferAFriendDiscount | currency:"£"}}
    Diamond Discount -{{BasketCosts.AdditionalDiscount | currency:"£"}}
    Free DNA+ kit £ 0.00
    Travel Insurance: {{BasketCosts.TravelCost | currency:"£"}}
    {{(BasketCosts.TravelDiscount / BasketCosts.TravelCost) * 100 | number: 0}}% Discount -{{BasketCosts.TravelDiscount | currency:"£"}}
    {{item.AddOn.ShortName}} {{item.AddOn.Price | currency:"£"}}
    Discount Code: {{Basket.PromotionalCode}}

Add discount code


Would you like to add £1,000 of cover for your travel expenses?

Tell us about all the bicycles you wish to cover, for you and your immediate family who live with you. We offer a very generous 60% multi-bike discount.

Bicycles must be owned by you, a member of your family who lives permanently with you, or a bike which you are legally responsible for such as a hire bike.

- You need to click ADD TO QUOTE to add your bike to the quote.
- You must include POWER METERS & UPGRADES in the value of your bike.
- You currently have {{Basket.BicycleQuotes[0].Bicycles.length}} {{BicycleText}}, with a combined value of £{{TotalBicycleValue}} on the current quote.

Invalid number, please use numbers only.
We cannot offer cover for any bicycle with a value of more than £{{MaxBicycleValue}}.
Bicycle value cannot be less than £{{MinBicycleValue}}.
  • In most cases, insure your bike for the price you paid for it (new or second hand).
  • Do not depreciate the bike value or insure it for what you think it’s worth today.
  • You must include power meters & upgrades in the value of the bike.
  • If you are unsure, please read our handy bike value guide.
You need to add at least one bicycle before proceeding.
Looks like you have started adding or editing a bicycle. Please review your changes before you proceed.

New Bikes

  • You must value the bike at the price paid for it

  • If you bought it at a significant discount from a retailier, you CAN insure it for the RRP at the time of purchase.

  • You cannot choose the price based on what you think it's worth today.

  • You must include power meters and upgrades in the value of your bike: e.g pedals and saddles.

  • You must have proof of purchase for this bike e.g. paper or electronic receipt

Second Hand Bikes

  • You MUST insure the bike for the price you paid for it.

  • You CANNOT choose the price based on todays RRP or what you think it's worth.

  • You must include power meters and upgrades in the value of your bike: e.g pedals and saddles.

  • You must have proof of purchase for this bike e.g. receipt from ebay, gumtree or trusted retailer

Hire Bikes

  • Bicycles hired by you from a recognised bicycle hire company can be insured with Yellow Jersey.

  • Hire bikes must be insured for their full RRP as new with no depreciation.

  • You must have proof of your hire agreement with the hire company.

New Bikes

  • You must value the bike at the price paid for it

  • If you bought it at a significant discount from a retailier, you CAN insure it for the RRP at the time of purchase.

  • You cannot choose the price based on what you think it's worth today.

  • You must include power meters and upgrades in the value of your bike: e.g pedals and saddles.

  • You must have proof of purchase for this bike e.g. paper or electronic receipt

Second Hand Bikes

  • You MUST insure the bike for the price you paid for it.

  • You CANNOT choose the price based on todays RRP or what you think it's worth.

  • You must include power meters and upgrades in the value of your bike: e.g pedals and saddles.

  • You must have proof of purchase for this bike e.g. receipt from ebay, gumtree or trusted retailer

Hire Bikes

  • Hire bikes must be insured for their full RRP as new with no depreciation.

  • You must have proof of your hire agreement with the hire company.

Accessories such as bottle cages and bike computers can be added to your policy. The first £250 of accessories are included for free on all polices. Please note, stolen or damaged accessories and clothing can only be claimed for if the bicycle is stolen or damaged at the same time. However, we do cover theft of wetsuits and helmets from a transition zone under the Ultimate policy, and accidental damage to additional wheels on Performance and Ultimate Policies. Additional wheelsets, helmets and clothing need to be added to your policy separately to accessories.


If you have additional wheelsets you wish to insure, for example a second pair of wheels you keep for racing, please enter their value here. Your primary pair of wheels should form part of the total bike value.


If you are making a claim for your bicycle, you can claim for clothing damaged in the same incident up to the limit selected below. Over and above, helmets and wetsuits stolen from a transition zone can be claimed for independently.

Please provide us with the value of cover required for helmet, clothing and wetsuits.

We offer three levels of insurance to suit your requirements, 'Ultimate' to the sportive focused 'Performance' and the no frills 'Essential'. Depending on your bike details and how long you need cover for, some options may be unavailable.

Cover Change:

You have reached the limit for your selected Bicycle Insurance tier. In order to continue we’ve moved you up to our Ultimate tier. Essentials policies are unavailable for durations of less than a year. For more information on the limits of each of our Bicycle Insurance tiers, please refer to our comparison table.

Essentials does not cover events
You need to provide the level of cover to proceed.
Please provide us with the number of claims you have made in the past 3 years.
Unfortunately we cannot provide cover if you have had three or more claims in the last three years.
Cover start date is required.


What's included:

  • Your bike, up to a max. value of £5,000**
  • Event entry costs up to £200
  • Cycle Accessories up to £500
  • Helmet & Clothing up to £500
  • Emergency Cycle Hire up to £300
  • Public Liability £2,000,000
  • Personal Accident up to £25,000
  • Legal Expenses up to £100,000

**We can not cover Pedal Cycles with a value greater than £5,000 under this policy. e.g. if your pedal cycle is worth £7,000, you cannot just insure the first £5,000.

Please indicate whether your bicycle is electric.
Please indicate whether your bicycle is worth more than £5000.

The age displayed is based on what your age will be when cover starts.

The date above is invalid, please check and supply a valid date.

If you are unable to agree to these statements, it might mean we cannot insure your pedal cycle. Before proceeding please contact our support team who will be able to help.

  • {{statement }}

You must agree to these statements about your electric pedal cycle to continue.
  • By purchasing this policy you agree that you are an entrant of Ford RideLondon {{CurrentYear}} and can provide proof of entry on request.

  • I am a resident in the UK.

  • I have never been convicted of a criminal offence which is required to be disclosed under the rehabilitation of offenders act at the date of this insurance application.

  • I have never had a policy cancelled, voided or renewal refused.

  • Including myself, no family members covered under this policy have been declared bankrupt or had any County Court Judgements (CCJs) made against them in the last five years.

  • I understand the security requirements of this policy, for a user friendly guide click here.

You must agree with the statments above to proceed.
We cannot offer cover if the total value of cover is over £{{MaxTotalCoverInsured}}. Your current value of total cover is £{{TotalCoverInsured}}. Please adjust to proceed. £250 worth of accessories are included as standard, so that has been factored in.
You may only proceed if all required fields above have been supplied. Please review the message(s) above in order to proceed.

New Bikes

  • We value new bikes at the price paid for them.

  • We do not value bikes based on what you think they're worth today.

  • You must include power meters and upgrades in the value of your bike: e.g pedals and saddles.

  • You must have proof of purchase for your bike e.g. paper or electronic receipt.

Second Hand Bikes

  • We value second hand bikes at the price you paid for them.

  • We do not value bikes based on today's RRP or what you think they might be worth.

  • You must include power meters and upgrades in the value of your bike: e.g pedals and saddles.

  • You must have proof of purchase for your bike e.g. receipt from ebay, gumtree or trusted retailer.

We're sorry...

Unfortunately, we can not cover any bicycle with a value greater than £5,000 under our Ride London policy. e.g. if your pedal cycle is worth £7,000, you cannot just insure the first £5,000.

Click below for an annual quote, with an exclusive 25% discount.

Is User Authenticated      : {{IsAuthenticated}}
Has 365 Bicycle            : {{UserState.HasAnnualBicyclePolicy}}
Has 365 Travel             : {{UserState.HasAnnualTravelPolicy}}
Been Bicycle               : {{UserState.BeenToBicycle}}
Been Travel                : {{UserState.BeenToTravel}}
Edit Mode                  : {{UserState.EditMode}}

Weekend Cover              : {{IsWeekendCover }}
Length of Cover            : {{Basket.BicycleQuotes[0].LengthOfCover}}
Type of Cover              : {{Basket.BicycleQuotes[0].TypeOfCover}}
Cover Start Date           : {{Basket.BicycleQuotes[0].CoverStartDate}}
Accessories                : {{Basket.BicycleQuotes[0].AccessoriesValue}}
Helmet & Clothing          : {{Basket.BicycleQuotes[0].HelmetAndClothingValue}}
Wheelset Value             : {{Basket.BicycleQuotes[0].WheelsetValue}}
No. of Claims              : {{Basket.BicycleQuotes[0].NumberOfClaimsInLastThreeYears}}
Travel Expenses            : {{Basket.BicycleQuotes[0].TravelExpenses}}
Discounted Premium         : {{Basket.BicycleQuotes[0].DiscountedPremiumIncludingIPT}}
Promotional Code           : {{Basket.PromotionalCode}}
Promotional Code Type      : {{Basket.PromotionalCodeType}}
{{Basket.BicycleQuotes[0].Bicycles | json}}

Form Valid                 : {{BicycleQuoteForm.$valid}}
Cover to High              : {{IsTotalCoverTooHigh}}
Claims Invalid             : {{ClaimsInvalid}}

{{BasketCosts | json}}
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